Uad Plugins Bundle Us Dollars
. Arrow. Apollo Twin MkII. Apollo x6.
Apollo x8. Apollo x8p. Apollo x16. Thunderbolt 3 Option Card. Apollo Twin USB. Apollo 16.
Apollo 8p. Apollo 8. Thunderbolt 2 Option Card.
Apollo FireWire. UAD-2 Satellite. UAD-2 Satellite USB. UAD-2 Satellite FireWire. UAD-2 Live Rack. UAD-2 PCIe Cards. LA-610 MkII.
Universal Audio Releases Arrow Desktop UAD Audio Interface. Universal Audio UAD interfaces like the Apollo are well respected and sought after. It's no suprise really considering the high quality of the preamps, converters and the UAD platform itself. *Arrow includes the 'Realtime Analog Classics' UAD plug-in bundle. All other plug-ins. These bundles are a great way for new users to get started with UAD plug-ins right out of the box without the need for an additional purchase. The bundles included with each UAD-2 / Apollo product are listed below including a list of the individual plug-ins included with each bundle. Questions about the Universal Audio Apollo Twin MKII DUO 2x6 Thunderbolt Audio Interface with UAD. Plugins are typically part of a larger bundle offered by UAudio.
OX Amp Top Box. Teletronix® LA-2A. 2-610 Dual Channel Tube Preamplifier. 1176LN. 4-710d Four-Channel Tone-Blending Mic Preamp w/ Dynamics.
6176. 710 Twin-Finity™. SOLO/610. Neve 88RS Channel Strip Collection The Neve 88 Series is a paragon of large-format analog console design, renowned for its startling depth, airiness, and clarity.
Featuring Unison technology, the Neve 88RS Channel Strip Collection gives you all of the 88RS mic/line preamp’s impedance, gain stage “sweet spots,” and circuit behaviors that have made it the modern benchmark in analog preamp design. Now you can track through an authentic emulation of this modern masterpiece — complete with its famous mic/line preamp, cut filters, dynamics, four-band EQ, and post-fader output amplifier. Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Collection The Neve 1073 Channel Amplifier is easily the most revered preamp and EQ circuit ever designed.

Introduced in 1970, this hallowed class-A, transistor mic/line amp with EQ epitomizes the beautiful 'Neve sound,' with unparalleled clarity, sheen, and bite. The Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection lets you track through the only authentic end-to-end circuit emulation of this legendary piece of audio history. Featuring Unison technology, the Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection also features the Legacy Neve 1073 and 1073SE (“DSP-Lite”) EQs which are optimized for higher instance counts. Neve Preamp The pinnacle of Neve preamp design is the classic 1073 module with EQ, but Neve also briefly produced the 1290 module — a rare, preamp-only version of the 1073. The Neve Preamp plug-in gives you all the clarity, grit, and harmonically complex class‑A saturation of this amazing mic preamplifier in a simple, low DSP use, two-knob plug-in that’s perfect for UA Audio Interface owners. Just drop it into the Unison slot of your UA Audio Interface’s Console software to add instant character to vocals and acoustic guitars, or treat synths, drums, and bass with the complex, dynamic clipping behavior that can only come from Neve. Neve 31102 Classic Console EQ Originally featured in the Neve 8068 console, the 31102 EQ was used to mix one of the best-selling debut albums of all time, Appetite For Destruction by Guns-N-Roses.
With its distinct filter shaping that falls somewhere between a 1073 and 1081, and its familiar Neve sheen and bite, the Neve 31102/SE EQ Powered Plug-In provides another step in the evolution of classic Neve EQs. Artists ranging from Primus and Metallica to My Morning Jacket have called on the distinct tone of the 31102 EQ in the studio. Neve 33609 / 33609SE Compressor Derived from the original Neve 2254 compressor, circa 1969, the 33609 stereo buss compressor/limiter utilizes a bridged-diode gain reduction circuit and many custom transformers for a uniquely colorful sound. The UAD Neve 33609 is the only Neve-sanctioned software recreation of the Neve 33609 (rev C). Every detail of the original unit is captured, to match the sonic results and musicality of its hardware counterpart with absolute precision. Essential for bus processing, drum groups, and even full mixes, the 33609 plug-in includes a DSP-optimized 33609SE which allows for higher instance counts. Mix buss sugar!
I own a gazillion plugin compressors and up to now my favorite 2 buss plugin compressor was the waves v-series comp. Although I still love that plugin, this neve compressor plugin just sounds like hardware to me. If really tightens everything up nicely and brings a nice bottom end warmth to the overall mix. The gui is perfect, which shouldn't matter, but lets face it.we all love plugins that look like actual hardware! At the sale price of 149.00 during the neve plugin sale, it just can't be beat in my opinion!
Favorite Mic Pre Bought my first Apollo and dove in demoing all available plugs. This was an instant winner. The Pre with Neve EQ made every mic sound amazing. This is great to use in UNISON on the way in, if you just want some Neve EQ in a mix use the 1073SE Legacy that comes with the bundle and save DSP.
UA Prices on plug-ins in the store will drop based on what you already own, causing some confusion. UA should fix this and just show 'PURCHASED' instead of the reduced price or 'UPGRADE' instead of buy now to minimize some of these bad reviews on an excellent plug-in. Pixie Dust I spent a little time tossing up between the Neve 88RS (new version) and the API Vision channel strips.
I'm glad I went with the Neve. It has transformed my mixes. Even just adding this to the mix bus works wonders. Main elements in the mix are more present / forward, there's more width and fizz on the top end, it glues the bottom end together. The distortion and saturation added from the preamp (even as a mix plugin) is incredible, if only subtle. The EQ is the sweetest sounding software EQ I've ever used.
I was never convinced you needed a $250k Neve console to get that magic glue. But UAD have somehow captured this in a plugin. I don't care that it uses so much juice, it's worth it!

This has made mixing so much easier:). Great sounding. There are ALWAYS discount coupons There are a bunch of 1 star reviews because ppl think $149 is too expensive for an update.
My UA account has $75 in 'thanks' and promo codes, and when they expire there are usually others that come later. The 'real' update price is $75 if you exercise even an ounce of patience. Perhaps I'm old, perhaps the 'software is free' generation are quick to whine and complain, but even at $149, that is insanely inexpensive to attain a professional quality tool.
Maybe there are a lot of hobbyist who are thinking about the money differently than I am, but this is basically a new plugin. I have made more than 200 records since changing to the UAD system and the transition to ITB was succesful because of UA.
Only real issue is CPU being high. Sounds Great but. It definitely sounds great! I understand that's probably the reason why it is DSP hungry. I own an Apollo Twin, UAD Sat Quad and UAD Thndrb Octo, yet I had to print lots of tracks to be able to finish my mixes. One must think about investing in more UAD DSP chips to use this plugin as it should.
Thinking that way, it is clear that the plugin is way expensive, it definitely demands a new piece of hardware to go along with it. Besides, I've invested in new releases in the past and soon later they drop the price in half (such as 1073, Fairchild, API Vision). USD money makes it 3 times more expensive in Brazil (that's my problem, of course). Hoping for a kind coupon from UA, I give 5 stars for the amazing sound you get with this plugin!
Excellent plugin but high DSP usage This is an excellent plugin. One of UAs best work to date. The input stage is clean, accurate and warm.
Great sounding filters and EQ. Perfectly usable compressor and gate. All in all it sounds fantastic, and there is very little that can match it in terms of quality. The only thing that takes away one star is the DSP consumption which is a bit too high to make this really usable as a mixing plugin unless you have at least two octos. It is twice the API Vision strip. It would not have been a problem is DSP was cheaper, but this is beyond the budget of many users.
If there was a way to bypass the input stage to save some DSP it would make it a little bit more usable. A stunning facelift - pure Neve goodness Don't believe the hype on this one - grab it and hear it for yourself. Of all thew Mk II versions released so far this one for me is the winner, and the 88RS now sounds like the board it is modelled from. I like the GUI redesign (signal flow is now more intuitive) and the tweaks done under the hood have really made this strip into something special and very usable on a lot of things - it sounds equally fantastic on Bass, Piano, Vocals & Guitars.
My only gripe is the lack of an input meter (and you should be aware the output meter is post VCA but Pre-output dial). The compressor no longer seems to snatch at the audio in that SSL manner, and the EQ is so musical it's a joy. An excellent upgrade & highly recommended to all Neve lovers. I have never written a UAD review. AND The last thing I needed to do was buy another UAD plug – meaning, I have most of them. And considering I have the original and almost never used it, why again? Well, this plug beat nearly every plug-in in shoot-outs I staged with previous mixes – meaning, where I might have placed 2-3 plugs in concert, the 88RS – hands down – took the prize.
This emulation is the very manifestation of the reason I invested in this platform in the beginning. This plug is the most amazing thing I have ever worked with.
Kudos to the entire team behind it. The UAD 88RS is amazing! And if you are staiil standing in the wings. THE go-to plugin from now on I tried every UAD channel strip, but this is by far the best.
The sound you get from this resembles real analog so much more! I have been trying to get a decent plugin chain for my U47 voice recordings, previously stopped at using the Summit compressor. BUT when I put this one on - I was amazed. Neve has one of the best software compressors ever and an amazingly fat, but transparent & musical EQ. As far as ITB mixing goes, I think that for now this is as close as emulating analog goes.
Uad Plugins Bundle
This will be used on every channel from now on. Hands down, it kills any other console channel strips with ease.
Oh, and try doing some filtering / correction with Oxford EQ after this and you will be impressed;-)). I demoed this new channel strip for a few hours and realized it was a definite buy! The sound of the filters sold me. Super clean and unobtrusive. I love being able to use it with unision tech as a mic pre as well. It's amazing when you think about everything you get with this plug: Preamp, EQ, Compressor, and Gate/Expander.
You could literally mix a record with this plugin and it would sound awesome! If you're new to Apollo I'd recommend this or the API vision for sheer flexibility and usefulness. I do prefer this to the API though.
I even used it on my mix buss and loved the result!