How To Practice English Speaking

You can NEVER become fluent in English by studying grammar and vocabulary. You MUST practice English speaking with Native English speakers to become a fluent and confident English speaker. This is the secret behind the award-wining method. You can learn more.
So what kind of topic are used in our Spoken English classes? Listed below are 50 English conversation question topics that are used commonly in our lessons.
These questions are designed to invite fluid conversation that eases itself into other relatable topics. Use these ideas to get you started, then come up with your own! Learn more about our Spoken English Classes Practice English Speaking with these 50 Conversation Topics 1- What did you want to be when you were growing up and why?
2- The difference in daily vitamin intake in your cultures 3- Your main method of transportation to and from work 4- Do you drink coffee in the morning? 5- What was your relationship with your siblings like growing up? 6- How often do you get to visit your parents? 7- Did you ever participate in school clubs? 8- Do you play any instruments? 9- What was the worst thing you have ever cooked? 10- What is the most memorable vacation you have ever been on?
Learn more about our 100% Conversation-based Skype Practice sessions. Click below 11- Do you have any allergies? What are they? 12- What age and where did you learn how to swim?
13- How many countries have you been able to visit besides your own? 14- Besides English, have you learned any other languages? 15- What is the storyline of your favorite television show? 16- Do you prefer to visit the mountains or the oceans? 17- At what age did you learn to drive a car? 18- What was the first large purchase you made on your own? 19- Have you ever been bitten or stung by an animal or insect?
20- Are there any foods that you do not like? 21- Do you think having a high paying job is more important than having a job that makes you happy? 22- Have you ever slept in a tent overnight? 23- Do you have any tattoos or body piercings? 24- Do you like having your picture taken? 25- Do you agree with your government’s gun control laws? 26- What did you do with the first tooth you lost?
Nov 11, 2015 - English speaking practice is the missing link to speaking English fluently. Most learners spend too much time learning and using English.
27- Do you consider yourself more of an optimist or a pessimist? 28- Who does the grocery shopping in your family? 29- What is the most exotic animal you have ever seen? 30- Do you have any ‘good luck’ charms? 31- What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? 32- Have you ever been on a boat ride?
33- What is your greatest pet peeve and why? 34- Do you use reusable water bottles or plastic water bottles? 35- How do you keep up on current events?
36- Are you afraid of sharks or open water? 37- Have you ever failed at anything?
38- What is your favorite animal and why? 39- Have you ever broken a bone?
If so, where and how did it break? 40- What was your first pet? 41- Did you have household chores growing up? 42- Have you ever been in a fist fight? If so, what was the reasoning? 43- Do you have any collections? If so, what of?
44- What is your favorite English word and why? 45- What was the coldest you have ever been and what was the circumstance? I finally passed my IELTS exam and got the results I wanted (L-8.5, R-8.5, W-7.0, S-7.0, O-8.0). Thanks for the service. Emily was a great conversation partner. She always prepared good topics and questions. On the writing part of the exam I got a topic related to one of the topics we had discussed with her. It was about zoos and elephants and was very helpful. Practice is extremely important for learning to speak English.
Spoken English Practice provided me with a lot of practice on a regular basis.In the beginning, it was hard for me to remember words and speak fluently. From time to time, I had to look up words in a dictionary. Sometimes I knew the word but could not remember it until I looked it up in dictionary. After some time it became much easier.
I get accustomed to the words I use the most. I also learned to replace the exact words I cannot remember with other words that are not exact but have a close meaning. As a result, I became much more fluent and more confident in my speaking skills 46- Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried? 47- Did you ever climb trees as a child? 48- What is the best prank you have ever pulled?
49- Do you play any sports? When was the last time you were on a team? 50- Do you think there is a possibility of life elsewhere in the universe? Discussing these questions will naturally open up other new topics you have never spoken about before. In addition, these question topics are varied and unique so there is plenty of opportunity for! Of course, not all of these topics will apply to you or your conversation partner when you practice English speaking.
That in and of itself is a conversation starter. Perhaps some of these questions have no answer because you’ve never experienced them. You can discuss why or why not a certain question is applicable.
In addition, do not be afraid to. Often times, our greatest language enrichment comes from our emotionally charged discussions and conversations.
Question prompts are a great idea if you and your English partner are running out of topics to practice English speaking. Obviously, there are thousands of more question prompts to incorporate into your English lessons.
Spoken English Pdf
Feel free to make your own list of question prompts after you and your conversation partner have discussed all these prompts!
How Do You Feel When You’re Speaking English? Does speaking English put you into a panic? When you want to say something in English, do you feel like this?
You don’t remember the words you studied. You try to open your mouth, but no English words come out.
You are not alone. Students often say they forget everything because they get so nervous when they’re speaking English.
Most people are afraid of making mistakes or afraid that no one will understand them. It’s this fear that stops some people from speaking at all. Your goal for speaking English should be to communicate your message, not to say a perfect sentence. Don’t be afraid of mistakes! A mistake is not always going stop people from understanding you. Wouldn’t you rather feel like this?

You will be overjoyed when you realize other people understand you when you’re speaking English even with mistakes. Every time you are able to communicate with someone in English, you will feel better about your English speaking skills. You will improve with practice, so it’s important to keep trying. Advertisement Speaking English with Confidence How can you build your confidence?. Listen: The more English you hear, the easier it will be for you to copy what you hear. Practice: The more you speak, the more comfortable you will feel about speaking. Start with easy things.
Ask questions at a store. Ask where you can find something, even if you already know.
Say hello to the bus driver. Just open your mouth and talk whenever you can. Stop worrying about making mistakes: We all make mistakes. Your message is most important.
If the other person understands you, it’s not important how many mistakes you make. Practicing and improving your English skills at USA Learns will give you the courage and confidence you need when you are speaking English to other people.
To speak confidently you need knowledge of vocabulary, sentence structure, pronunciation, and finally listening comprehension to understand the other person so you can reply. At USA Learns you will be practicing all of this in our activities while you are practicing speaking English. Listen to People Speaking English in Video Stories The first step to more confident speaking skills is lots of listening. You need to get the sound of English conversation in your head. In USA Learns, every unit has many short video episodes. You will hear different people speaking English in everyday conversations, exactly the kind of language you need to improve your spoken English.
How To Practice English Speaking Skill
During the unit, you will study the vocabulary and grammar of the language in the videos. Practice Speaking English Word by Word You will begin your practice of speaking English with the key vocabulary words in each unit. Besides learning the meaning, pronunciation, and spelling of the 12 to 20 key words in each unit, you will also practice pronouncing the words by listening, speaking into the microphone, and then comparing your pronunciation with the native speaker's. Practice Speaking English One Sentence at a Time You will also practice saying some of the important sentences in the conversations from the videos.
Always listen more than once. Listen to the pronunciation of the words and the rhythm of the sentence. When you are ready to try to say the sentence, click the Speak button and speak into your microphone. When you click Playback you will hear the native speaker again and your own voice. Do you like the way you sound? If not, repeat. You can click Speak and make a new recording to improve your English speaking skills as often as you want.
So far you have practiced speaking English by repeating. But you need practice in responding when someone says something or asks you something. Are you ready? It’s Your Turn for Speaking English with Ms.

Marquez In the 1st English Course, your friendly teacher, Ms. Marquez, will practice speaking English with you. She speaks directly to YOU in the Your Turn activities. She wants you to feel comfortable and speak to her with confidence. She starts with the basics and asks you to introduce yourself and to tell her when your birthday is. Speaking is an important part of USA Learns. Even in the grammar lesson you may have to speak.
In this activity, Ms. Marquez plays a pharmacist and asks you what you need.
She wants you to practice the grammar of using ‘some’ and ‘any’ in questions and answers. Where else can you practice speaking English AND grammar in a real-world situation, with a person talking to you? In another activity you will practice speaking English in a restaurant. Marquez plays the waitress and asks you for your order.
You don’t have to be shy with Ms. She is a very patient teacher! Speaking English Out Loud Practicing by speaking out loud or into the microphone is very important. It’s important for you to say the words out loud when you are relaxed and not afraid of what other people will think. It’s just you and your USA Learns friends so you can speak freely.
Do not skip these lessons if you really want to improve your speaking skills. Even if you don’t have a microphone or the software, say the words out loud. Make your mouth and tongue form the words. We say ‘practice makes perfect.’ That may not be completely true for speaking. Everybody makes mistakes, and that’s OK. But practice will build confidence and that’s what you need if you want to be successful at speaking English. To improve your English speaking with USA Learns!