Fsx Deluxe Edition Torrent
There are no gauges on my panel and I can read 'Error, please contact vendor'.
That means that you did not give the full administrator rights to your Flight Simulator folder. Please refer to the VISTA procedure on this page.
The liveries or the textures do not appear correctly.
This problem occurs with other add-ons after having installed FSX Acceleration Pack and/or FSX SP2.
You can disable the Direct X 10 Preview feature.
Please do not install the FSX SP2 if you already installed Acceleration pack.
Load the aircraft under the 2D mode and then after switch to 3D mode (Virtual Cockpit).
I try to access the INIT B page of the MCDU but can't !! Why ?
There is a protection from Airbus to prevent accidental change of weight information once the engines are running. To access INIT B page, you must have engines off.
I have installed FSX Service Pack 1 from Microsoft but I get some IRS alignement problem. What's wrong ?
You problably havent' updated the Visual Studio 2005 libraries which is required.
You can find more information about it on FSINSIDER.COM.
Can I use a Download Manager to retrieve my files ?
We recommend you to download using Internet Explorer and, to optimize download performances, make use of a download manager plugin such as http://www.freedownloadmanager.org .
How do I access the Cabin view ?
Once you are in the right wing view, just pan left or right to see the cabin.
I load the airplane and the displays are dark no matter what I do ?
Please either middle mouseclick the displays or use the mousewheel to set the display brightness.
It is possible that luminosity changes will only take effect on the displays when you cycle the displaying of the screens off and then on using Shift-1.
In addition, make sure the 2D panel is not in zoomed mode. The EFIS are optimized to draw only once, so if the zoom view is active, the EFIS are not drawn in the VC.
HOW TO SETUP Airbus Series Vol.1 under Windows-VISTA :
Go into program filesmicrosoft games
highlight Flight Simulator X folder and right-click on it
Select the SECURITY tab
Click on your username (not on Administrator 1)
Click on the 'edit' option (it should have a pic of a shield on the button with edit next to it)
Then you should be prompted by Vista security module, click on 'ALLOW'
Then tick the 'Full Control' box and press 'OK'
You should then be able to use the Airbus Series Vol.1.
I can not import the FS flight plan into the FMGC !
This problem has been reported by some users, but didn't happen to the beta-testers.
To solve the problem:
Make sure you have the FS flight plan loaded in memory. The FMGC import function works with the flight plan in memory.
If it still doesn't work, look into your FSModules directory. You should have a file called 'gps_export.dll' and its size should be 6144 bytes.
This DLL is provided with FS9.1 and FSX, but some add-ons remove it or replace it with an older version.
If you experience strange behavior or CTD (crash to desktop)
Delete the 'fmgc.cfg' file located in the FeelThereAirbusFmgcA320 directory.
Another one will be created automatically at your next flight.
Removing this file is especially important if you have updated the navigation database with a different AIRAC cycle.
The Auto-Pause feature does not work. I am at less than 20 NM of the TOD point, and FS does not pause. Why ?
The auto-pause feature pauses FS when the aircraft is at less than 20 NM of the TOD point, and when it is on the flight plan leg that leads to the TOD point.
The aircraft is out of trim when the autopilot is disconnected !
This problem comes from FSUIPC. If you have a registered copy of FSUIPC, go to the miscellanous tab and DEACTIVATE the two items : VS sign and Disco AP elevator trim.
There are no gauges on my panel and I can read 'Error, please contact vendor'.
That means that you did not give the full administrator rights to your Flight Simulator folder. Please refer to the VISTA procedure on this page.
The liveries or the textures do not appear correctly.
This problem occurs with other add-ons after having installed FSX Acceleration Pack and/or FSX SP2.
You can disable the Direct X 10 Preview feature.
Please do not install the FSX SP2 if you already installed Acceleration pack.
Load the aircraft under the 2D mode and then after switch to 3D mode (Virtual Cockpit).
I try to access the INIT B page of the MCDU but can't !! Why ?
There is a protection from Airbus to prevent accidental change of weight information once the engines are running. To access INIT B page, you must have engines off.
I have installed FSX Service Pack 1 from Microsoft but I get some IRS alignement problem. What's wrong ?
You problably havent' updated the Visual Studio 2005 libraries which is required.
You can find more information about it on FSINSIDER.COM.
Can I use a Download Manager to retrieve my files ?
We recommend you to download using Internet Explorer and, to optimize download performances, make use of a download manager plugin such as http://www.freedownloadmanager.org .
How do I access the Cabin view ?
Once you are in the right wing view, just pan left or right to see the cabin.
I load the airplane and the displays are dark no matter what I do ?
Please either middle mouseclick the displays or use the mousewheel to set the display brightness.
It is possible that luminosity changes will only take effect on the displays when you cycle the displaying of the screens off and then on using Shift-1.
In addition, make sure the 2D panel is not in zoomed mode. The EFIS are optimized to draw only once, so if the zoom view is active, the EFIS are not drawn in the VC.
HOW TO SETUP Airbus Series Vol.1 under Windows-VISTA :
Go into program filesmicrosoft games
highlight Flight Simulator X folder and right-click on it
Select the SECURITY tab
Click on your username (not on Administrator 1)
Click on the 'edit' option (it should have a pic of a shield on the button with edit next to it)
Then you should be prompted by Vista security module, click on 'ALLOW'
Then tick the 'Full Control' box and press 'OK'
You should then be able to use the Airbus Series Vol.1.
I can not import the FS flight plan into the FMGC !
This problem has been reported by some users, but didn't happen to the beta-testers.
To solve the problem:
Make sure you have the FS flight plan loaded in memory. The FMGC import function works with the flight plan in memory.
If it still doesn't work, look into your FSModules directory. You should have a file called 'gps_export.dll' and its size should be 6144 bytes.
This DLL is provided with FS9.1 and FSX, but some add-ons remove it or replace it with an older version.
If you experience strange behavior or CTD (crash to desktop)
Delete the 'fmgc.cfg' file located in the FeelThereAirbusFmgcA320 directory.
Another one will be created automatically at your next flight.
Removing this file is especially important if you have updated the navigation database with a different AIRAC cycle.
The Auto-Pause feature does not work. I am at less than 20 NM of the TOD point, and FS does not pause. Why ?
The auto-pause feature pauses FS when the aircraft is at less than 20 NM of the TOD point, and when it is on the flight plan leg that leads to the TOD point.
The aircraft is out of trim when the autopilot is disconnected !
This problem comes from FSUIPC. If you have a registered copy of FSUIPC, go to the miscellanous tab and DEACTIVATE the two items : VS sign and Disco AP elevator trim.
Fsx Deluxe Edition Download Torrent

Microsoft Flight Simulator X is an incredible piece of software, providing almost unbelievable capabilities for a consumer product. Ppsspp games free download iso. Unfortunately, on most systems at anything other than the lowest of the game’s graphics settings, the simulation has significant performance issues.