Daftar Telkomsel
Telkomsel Telkomsel menghimbau pelanggan Telkomsel untuk tidak melakukan registrasi kartu prabayar di hari terakhir untuk menghindari trafik sistem yang padat. Batas akhir registrasi kartu prabayar adalah tanggal 28 Februari 2018.
Telkomsel Telecommunication Center (TTC) Building in, Indonesia PT Telekomunikasi Selular, trading as Telkomsel, is an wireless network provider founded in 1995 and is a subsidiary of. It is headquartered in.
Telkomsel is the largest wireless carrier in the country with 172 million customers as of 2018. The company Operates their network on the 900–1800 MHz frequency range, as well as and services on other frequencies.
Telkomsel operates a variety of sim card brands, chief among them are simPATI and kartuHALO. These brands differ on their payment model (pre-paid vs. Post-paid) as well as pricing. As of 31 March 2015, Telkomsel has 46% of the Indonesian wireless service market share. Contents. History Telkomsel was incorporated on 26 May 1995 in Jakarta, Indonesia. It is majority owned by Telkom Indonesia with 65% of the shares, with owning the minority 35%.
In November 1997, Telkomsel became the first wireless carrier in Asia to introduce rechargeable GSM pre-paid services. In September 2006, Telkomsel became the first carrier in the country to launch a 3G service. On 20 March 2009, Telkomsel and launched the in Indonesia with customised price plans for all of Telkomsel's customers. Three years later, Telkomsel had acquired more than 100 million active customers. In April 2017, the company website was hacked, and a message protesting about high charges and unnecessary extra services was posted.
There was widespread support for the hacker on social media. Slogans. Telkomsel. Retrieved 2017-04-26. Archived from on 24 May 2012.
Retrieved 28 June 2012. Archived from (PDF) on 26 August 2012. Retrieved 28 June 2012. Mediatama, Grahanusa (2018-04-24). Kontan.co.id (in Indonesian).
Retrieved 2018-07-25. Retrieved 2017-04-26.
Retrieved 23 July 2010. Archived from on 17 December 2011. Retrieved 7 December 2011. CS1 maint: Archived copy as title. Retrieved 26 April 2017. Dion Bisara; Herman (18 April 2017).
Retrieved 15 May 2017. Center, PT. Indonesia News.
Daftar Telkomsel Cug

Retrieved 2018-07-25.
Hi Folks, thought I would put this together based on my first-hand investigations whilst I was on holiday in. I've mentioned some of this in my HNRs but thought I should put it here in one spot for convenience. Hope you find it helpful! Recharging Telkomsel simPATI/Loop SIM with Flash Data Basics concept is to load up the SIM with pulsa credit for voice calls then convert it bonus flash data. Do this by navigating through USSD menu available by calling.363# Obviously can't dial these USSD codes on a hotspot - so you'll need a regular handset that can make voice phone calls to slip the SIM into to navigate these menus.889# to check on data left. Example response would be: USSD memeiliki: 938 MB (it used to say 1024 MB indicating 1GB of data) Flash. 1024 MB Flash (indicating I have an additional 1024 MB or 1GB of data to use) (so in this example I'm led to believe I have 2GB of data to use initially - little less now since I've used some).888# to check voice credits or pulsa left.
Example response would be: USSD Sisa Pula Kamu Rp 6561 (meaning I have Rp 6561 of voice calling credits left and it's roughly Rp 1000 per min) Aktif s.d. (meaning active until Feb 16, 2015).808# to check mobile number on SIM. Example response: USSD Nomor kamu 0822xxxxxxxx. Layanan ini dikenakan tariff Rp 17 (termasuk PPN)/permintaan.
Info CS: 133/188 Apparently you also receive occassional txt messages advertising special offers - but buggered if I know what they are. But I understand now I can use existing credit or pulsa to take advantage of them. Childish gambino new album.
Example might be spend x to get y amount of bonus flash data. Anyway - here is the sequence to convert pulsa credit to flash data.363# to convert pulsa credit to data flash MB / GB as of Jan 17, 2015 the menu response were: Need to know that Rp 50,000 will give 1GB Rp 100,000 will give 2GB so you will need at least one of these pulsa credit balances inorder to do the following to get data flash GB. Get this by topping up your pulsa at the cellular shop dealer.
Info acktivas paket internet Kartu Lopp lewat.567# 2. Paket Internet Lainnya Select 2 0 Menu Utama 1. Genggam Internet 2. Paket Internet Menarik Lainnya 3. Menu Sebelumnya Select 2 Pastikan Andamenerima dan menjawab SMS konfirmasi utk setiap pembelian paket Flash. Blackberry dan Internet lainnya. Menu Selanjutnya Select 1 Pilihan Paket Internet Cepat dan Handal 1.
Hot Offer 2 Telkomsel Flash 3. Blackberry 4.
Opera Mini/Nokia Xpress 5 Facebook 6 TAU/Smartphone 7 Berhenti 8 CekStatus Select 2 Pastikan Anda terima & menjawab SMS konfirmasi 1. Genggam Internet 2.
Flash Ultima 3. Flash Optima 4. Flash SocialMAX 6.
Modem&Tablet 0. Home Select 2 Pastikan Anda menerima dan menjawab SMS konfirmasi. Flash Harian (day) 2. Flash Mingguan (week) 3. Flash Bulanan (month) 4. Home Harga Pkt sesui dgn Lokasi 1. Mulai 30rb (600MB) 2.
Mulai 65rb (2GB) 3. Mulai 110rb (4.5GB) 4. Mulai 250rb (8GB) 5. Mulai 450rb (9GB) 9. Home Select 2 for 2GB and it will cost Rp 65,000 - so you will need at least that much pulsa credit to get the 2GB Anda akan beli flash 2GB dgn masa akitf 30hari? Tunggus SMS Konfirmasi sensuai lokasi 1. Berlangganan 3.
Info harga dan lokasi 0. Menu Utama Select 1 to accept to flash 2GB in this example. I also noticed that with Telkomsel 3G - if it's not active for a set period of time (not sure what it is as have not measured it yet) the data connection will drop. You'll need to reconnect again manually on the hotspot. Artcam express 2012 download.
Just to note also about using the Telkomsel SIM in a hotspot. Hotspot needs to be unlocked. I used the NETGEAR AirCard 790S from Telstra which comes unlocked (no need to pay for it to be unlocked). It's a postpaid hotspot you can buy it out-right from Telstra.
Most prepaid hotspots (anything prepaid) is usually locked to the carrier - so you will need to call the carrier to have it unlocked. Set the APN to be internet in the default connection profile. In the router settings - set the DNS to be manual and make it (use Google's DNS). You should be able to get a Telkomsel SIM either simPATI or Loop for Rp 20k. Some places will sell it for Rp 30k to Rp 75k (e.g. Hardies) It's unregulated so cellular dealers can set their own price.
Pulsa top ups are set though but the dealer will usually add Rp 2000 to the price to cover his service charge for doing the top i.e. Rp 50,000 credit pulsa will cost you Rp 52,000 Places to get a Rp 20k - Rp 25k Telkomsel SIM that I have found this trip are: - Rp 25k at Jeneng Cellular, Jl, Ubud - ph (0361) 97 6104 - Rp 20k at Goning Tailor, Jl No.
8, Sanur - Ph (0361) 28 1259 Email minahgt@hotmail.com It's sometimes easier to just buy the SIM with data on it - these range in prices. Typically I've seen people pay about Rp 110k to Rp 180k for about 3-4GB of data included. Obviously easier - but if you use up the data - you'll want to recharge it somehow (and possibly keep the same number for the duration of your holiday trip). On the topic of keeping the number alive whilst back in your home country - I've not found anything easy / cost effective yet. Option 1 - have a friend who lives in Bali keep it topped up with about Rp 5000 each month? Option 2 - use Recharge Me app for Android but it looks like minimum value is about AUD $10 Option 4 - use recharge websites but can be expensive like (min $9.76) or (min $13.00) Option 3 - a person has volunteered on TA forum to accept PayPal and recharge each month but I don't know him. Option 4 - best one - come back every month and recharge it yourself:) Seriously, none of the cellular dealers I've spoken with to date are willing to do the top up for me whilst I'm overseas.
By the way to check pulsa credit on Telkomsel simPATI / Loop call.888# XL call.123# Indosat call.338# Good luck with it!